People who decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it are more likely to have a satisfying working life than those who often change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
✅ 换还是不换工作取决于个人/具体的情况。
❎ 这件事情很复杂,还需要进一步的讨论。(这样的结论就会被考官认为是无结论,从而扣掉大量的分数)
Job hopping / switch 换工作
steady jobs 铁饭碗
seasoned worker 老练的工人
repetitively adv. 重复的
plummet v. 直线下降
morale n. 士气
step out of comfort zone 跳出舒适区
overoptimism n. 过度乐观
a rush of blood 头脑一热(的决定)
mature decision 成熟的决定
People who decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it are more likely to have a satisfying working life than those who often change jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Job hopping / switch 换工作
steady jobs 铁饭碗
seasoned worker 老练的工人
repetitively adv. 重复的
plummet v. 直线下降
morale n. 士气
step out of comfort zone 跳出舒适区
overoptimism n. 过度乐观
a rush of blood 头脑一热(的决定)
mature decision 成熟的决定
Job hopping can be one of the most stressful occasions in one’s working life. Those with a steady jobs may have spent years as part of an organization, becoming an integrated part of its office culture. Their routines, habits and small daily rituals – such as when and where to take coffee breaks – will not be carried with them to a new job, and leaving that type of familiar environment behind can be frightening for even the most seasoned worker.
However, doing the same task repetitively will plummet one’s morale, leaving him or her unenthusiastic and not ready to jump on opportunities when they arise. What is more, Sometimes people may find themselves unable to advance their personal base of career-specific knowledge by repeating the tasks which appears to be similar in their jobs, which means it might be better to step out of comfort zone to find a more challenging – yet possibly more rewarding – job.
A sheer number of evidences can be found for job hoppers who find themselves more satisfied jobs or end up with tragedy, while the same can be applied to those who have never changed their jobs. Therefore, when considering job switch, neither overoptimism nor overpessimism will help; instead, rather than a rush of blood, this should be a mature decision after thorough consideration with a range of factors taken into account.